Transport Minister S Iswaran announced on March 3rd that construction of Changi Airport’s Terminal 5 (T5) is anticipated to begin in 2025, with the terminal projected to be operational by the mid-2030s. He provided an update on the project, stating that the land preparation and drainage works at Changi East have been completed, and the third runway is expected to be ready by the later part of this decade.
Due to the pandemic, the project was put on hold for two years. However, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong mentioned in last year’s National Day Rally that T5 has been redesigned to be more energy-efficient and pandemic-ready.
According to Mr Iswaran, Changi Airport Group and airport stakeholders have developed “operational plans” in anticipation of the increase in flights and passengers at Changi Airport leading up to the opening of T5. The aviation workforce is currently at approximately 90% of its pre-pandemic levels, and a complete recovery is expected to occur this year, he shared.
To encourage the aviation industry to enhance its sustainability efforts, the government will establish a S$50 million Aviation Sustainability Programme, according to Mr Iswaran. The Aviation Sustainability Programme could support various projects, such as the adoption of novel or more energy-efficient airport systems and equipment, the optimization of airport procedures to improve operational efficiency and the sustainability of key processes, such as reducing aircraft turnaround time or improving airside vehicle movements, and the transition to cleaner energy sources, such as testing of new alternative or low-carbon fuels.
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